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Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs) Course

Scissorlift, Self Propelled Boomlift (Knuckleboom), Vertical Mast, Trailer Mounted Knuckleboom (Cherrypicker)

Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs) Course

Scissorlift, Self Propelled Boomlift (Knuckleboom), Vertical Mast, Trailer Mounted Knuckleboom (Cherrypicker)

Free Phone 0800 279-332

Be safe | Be legally compliant | Save on premiums

EWP Overview

What EWP course do I need?

If you have used an EWP before:

If you have been on a course and you hold the unit standard for that machinery and 23966 on your NZQA Record of Achievement (ROA) then you can complete the Refresher EWP Course.  Go to NZQA Login and print out your ROA.  This will need to be given to ASWEFA on the day of training in order to complete Refresher training.  If it is not displayed on your ROA or you have never completed EWP training you will need to complete the full course.

If you only need to operate the Scissorlift:

We can carry out training for just one type of EWP equipment, like just the Scissorlift, or just the Knuckleboom.  However many of the regulations apply to all machinery and therefore it is only a fraction more to complete training in other EWP machinery when done at the same time and worth considering because if you come across a job task that has an awning or deck that you need to get around, or is on a slope, the best equipment for the job may be a knuckleboom instead of a scissorlift.

If you need to provide proof to use on a contractors site:

The ASWEFA training and licence is widely recognised and issued by the governing authority.  The licence issued is called a SILVERCARD licence.

Ready to book?

Here are your options:

Train at your site

Book training - Your Site

We can come to your company site for one to 100+ drivers.  This allows drivers to return to normal work duties once finished and to be assessed in an environment they are used to and will continue to operate in.  We can do this at a time that suits you.

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