Free Phone 0800 279-332

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Forklift Course

There are many types of forklifts and our experienced instructors can train and assess you on all.   With their vast knowledge a course can be booked at our site on:
And we can come out to your site for all of the above and:

Forklift Course

Counterbalance, Reach, Bendi, Order Picker, Combilift, Sideloader, Straddle Truck, Wave, Pallet Truck, Turret Trucks, Telehandler, Walk Behind Forklifts (Pedestrian Operated Forklifts)

Free Phone 0800 279-332

Be safe | Be legally compliant | Save on premiums

Forklift Overview
Forklift FAQs

What forklift course do I need?

You need a Worksite Forklift Course

Companies need to have proof that all forklift operators are trained and competent to drive the type of forklift they are using in order to meet their Health and Safety at Work Act obligations. Failure to do this can result in fines for the person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU). This is why it is important for individuals to have this when looking for a forklift driving job.

An F Endorsement on your drivers licence is NOT proof of competency and you need to have a current Worksite Forklift Licence to prove competency and meet Health and Safety Act at Work obligations.

We cover the variety of forklifts you driver under the experienced operators forklift licence if they are on the same site and the assessment is done at the one time. For example if you drive a Reach, Counterbalance and Order Picker all 3 will be assessed and show on your licence if when you display successful competency without needing practical training.

Do you drive the forklift where the public are?

You will need an F Endorsement

To do this you need to hold a Full New Zealand Drivers Licence and a New Zealand Worksite Forklift Licence showing competency (the forklift worksite licence can be done on the same day as this training)

If you can stack and destack and operate the forklift without practical tuition, even if you haven't held an official forklift licence previously, you will be able to sit our half day "Experienced Operators" course instead of a full day "Beginners Course"

Can you already drive a forklift?

If your forklift licence is about to expire, is expired, or you have never had a forklift licence but know how to drive a forklift - you can do the Worksite Experienced Operators Course. Our courses are designed so you don't have to do a full day beginners course unlike our competitors.

If you have a current ASWEFA forklift worksite licence and want to have a different type of forklift added to your licence we can do this for you. You can book practical training with ASWEFA or if you already know how to use it you only need to book an assessment. These options are cheaper than doing a repeat beginner or experienced worksite forklift course.

Want to drive a different type of forklift?

If you have a current ASWEFA forklift worksite licence and want to have a different type of forklift added to your licence we can do this for you. You can book practical training with ASWEFA or if you already know how to use it you only need to book an assessment. These options are cheaper than doing a repeat beginner or experienced worksite forklift course.

We have a variety of forklifts at our site, including Counterbalance, Reach, Bendi, Pallet Trucks, Walk Behind Forklifts.  If you have a different type at your job site we can do your assessment or practical training at your site.

Ready to book?

Here are your options:

Train at your site:

Book training - Your Site

We can come to your company site for one to 100+ drivers.  This allows drivers to return to normal work duties once finished and to be assessed in an environment they are used to and will continue to operate in.  We can do this at a time that suits you.

Do your theory ONLINE:

Book training - ONLINE

You can complete theory online and the practical assessment can be done either at our site or for a small additional charge at your Auckland located company site

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